Award for Excellence in Japanese Philosophy

Call for Submissions (2024)

The European Network of Japanese Philosophy (ENOJP) is pleased to announce that submissions for the 2024 Award for excellence in Japanese Philosophy are opened. The Award will be presented to an outstanding book in the field of Japanese philosophy, including works by younger scholars.

Award page

We would like to express our gratitude to the authors who have sent us their works, to the publishers who have supported us and to the members of our reading committee for their valuable contributions to this first edition of the Award.


The Award includes an honorarium of €3,000, to be presented each year at the
annual meeting of the ENOJP. In case of the absence of the awardee, the
honorarium will be paid within ten days of the close of the annual meeting.


  • Submitted books should be printed monographs published within the past five years in one of the following languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese, Romanian, or Spanish. Edited collections are excluded, but translations with commentary are
  • Submissions may deal with any aspect of Japanese philosophy, modern or premodern.
  • Two hard copies and one digital copy of works submitted for consideration should be sent to the address of President of the ENOJP, listed below, to arrive no later than 1 June 2024. Anything arriving after that date will automatically be transferred to the following year for consideration. Submitted materials will not be returned.
  • Submission may be made by publishers or third parties. They should be accompanied by a brief resume of the contents (less than 1,000 words) composed by the author.
  • A work may be submitted more than once, provided it falls within the
    five-year period indicated above.

Evaluation Committee

The President of the ENOJP will appoint an evaluation committee based on the
content and language of the submission. The Award will be announced at the
annual conference of the ENOJP.


Mail submissions to:
Prof. Raquel Bouso
President, ENOJP
Departament d’Humanitats
Universitat Pompeu Fabra 
Ramon Trias Fargas 25–27
Barcelona 08005

Email contact:

Award winner 2023